
AgilentJetClean智氢洁离子源是安捷伦全新单四极杆和三重四极杆气质联用系统的选件。您也可以将其添加至现有Agilent5975、5977A/B、7000B/C或7010gc/MS系统中。,AgilentJetClean智氫潔離子源是安捷倫全新氣相層析質譜儀和氣相層析串聯質譜儀系統的配件。您也可以將其添加至現有Agilent5975、.5977A/B、7000B/C或7010氣相層析 ...,担保说明.本文档内容按“原样”提供,在将.来的版本中如有更改,恕不另行通.知。此外,在适用法律...

离子源自己能洗自己了? Agilent推出JetClean 智氢洁离子源

Agilent JetClean 智氢洁离子源是安捷伦全新单四极杆和三重四极杆气质联用系统的选件。您也可以将其添加至现有Agilent 5975、5977A/B、7000B/C 或7010 gc/MS 系统中。

Agilent JetClean 智氫潔離子源

Agilent JetClean 智氫潔離子源是安捷倫全新氣相層析質譜儀和氣相層析串聯質譜儀系統的配件。您也可以將其添加至現有Agilent 5975、. 5977A/B、7000B/C 或7010 氣相層析 ...

Agilent 智氢洁离子源

担保说明. 本文档内容按“ 原样” 提供,在将. 来的版本中如有更改,恕不另行通. 知。此外,在适用法律允许的最大. 范围内,Agilent 对本手册以及此处.

Agilent JetClean Self-Cleaning Ion Source for GCMS e

The patented Agilent JetClean self-cleaning ion source greatly reduces—or even eliminates—the need for source cleaning on Agilent single and triple ...


2016年8月15日 — The Agilent JetClean offers the possibility of replacing the steps of cooling, removing, manually cleaning, replacing, and pumping down with an ...

JetClean Operating Manual

The Agilent JetClean system allows you to greatly increase the number of samples you can process before you must manually clean your ion source. This chapter ...


专利的Agilent JetClean 智氢洁离子源可大大减少甚至消除安捷伦单四极杆和三重四极杆气质联用系统的离子. 源清洁需求。采用严格控制的氢气流,能确保离子源远离污染 ...

Agilent JetClean self

Want to reduce or eliminate manual GC/MS source cleaning? The Agilent JetClean self-cleaning ion source greatly reduces—or even eliminates—the need for ...

JetClean Self

The Agilent JetClean self-cleaning ion source maximizes instrument uptime and sample throughput by greatly reducing or even eliminating the need for manual ...